YouTube to Merge YouTube Gaming Section in Itself on Thursday

YouTube launched the separate gaming section to support the gaming-related content and live streams. But the move was not entirely accepted by the gaming community itself. And that’s why after five years, YouTube is closing down the Gaming section and merging it with the main website. The YouTube gaming website will be combined with the … Read more

Because of Apps iPhone Privacy Has Been Broken

Everyone likes to use the iPhone because of its excellent user interface and new features, right?. However, how would you react if your details are getting leaked because of some apps which you have installed on your iPhone? Well, something like this is happening among many iPhone users. It’s been reported that iPhone privacy has … Read more

If Netflix Decided To Show Ads Then Revenue Might Get Increase

Every business needs a perfect revenue model, and when it comes to movie streaming business, there are many companies which are trying different types of things here. Netflix is that tech media company which is ultimately ruling over this industry, and so far, they have chosen to go with a subscription-based revenue model. Even though … Read more

Apple Is Launching iOs 13 For All iPhone Users

When it comes to iPhone the one thing which everyone likes about it is its great UI and features. Apple, recently at the main event, declared the launch of iOs 13 for iPhone users, which is going to be launched in this year’s fall. This new iOs update is going to give features like dark … Read more

How To Enable Dark Mode in iOs 13

One of the best things about using Apple’s products is that you will get some new features in every core software update. Recently Apple released iOs 13 for all of its existing and new users which has got some new features like Dark mode, multi-cam support, etc. There are still some people who are unhappy … Read more

Sony Now Plans To Take Gaming Disorder Seriously After WHO Revealed Clarification On It

Everyone likes to play games, especially those games which will make you sit for long hours and forget about reality. However, this addiction to gaming might be dangerous for your health, according to WHO. World Health Organization recently released a report which shows that the gaming disorder is real, and many teenagers and small children … Read more