How To Activate Prezzy Card Using

Prezzy cards have become users’ favorite when it comes to giving gifts to their loved ones. If you don’t want to stuff up your wallet with cash then a prezzy card is a great option to use. Once you bought the prezzy card at the one thing which you need to do is top up the card and then go around using it. However, the one thing which needs to be done is know how to get prezzy card activate and then you can start using it as you wish. 

How To Prezzy Card Activate Online 2024

If you have recently bought the prezzy card then what you need to do is activate it just follow up the steps mentioned below.

  • First of all go to
  • Click on the “register here” option.
  • prezzy card balance
  • Then verify the robot prompt by following up instructions.
  • Enter the card details in there.
  • Your card will get activated shortly. 

The second option is by calling up at 099424919 and the representative will ask some useful questions like the card number, setting up the password and other necessary information. You will have to submit the prezzy card activation code when doing it and they will verify the code and then proceed with the activation process. 

How To Check Prezzy Card Balance Online

Now follow up the instructions on the screen and you will be able to get the prezzy card balance online in a single click.

Alternative way is to call up at 0800 450 509 and give the essential details of the prezzy card that you have in your possession and then you will get the essential information. 

How do I get the unlock code for my prezzy card?

Usually, a prezzy card comes up with the locked code when they are handed over to the users, and what you need to do in that case is to have the activation with yourself. If the card that you possess is locked then what you need to do is first unlock it and then go ahead with the usage. You would require to use the four digit which will be given to the one who purchased it in the first place and enter it to unlock it. 

How Do I Know If My Prezzy Card Is Activated

Usually prezzy cards will get activated once you enter the code that has been given to you by going to their official activation page of the website. You will be able to know your prezzy card is activated by calling up the official support system of the company and getting to know from them about the card’s information, 

What Are The Benefits Of Using Prezzy Card Online

You will be able to use the prezzy cards online, at selected merchants, over the phone and also through the email. In New Zealand these cards can be worked without any issues, also some merchants allow you to use the prezzy cards overseas and in foregn countries also. 

The period of use is printed on the prezzy cards backside which is around 2 years. If there are any remaining balances remaining at the end of the expiry period then you won’t be able to use it so it’s better to make use of the prezzy card during its value period. 


Why is my Prezzy card not working

If you are facing any issue while using the prezzy card then one can fix them by contacting the support system of the prezzy card and get it done instantly. Also check out whether the card has been activated by you properly or not. 

Can I Do Split Payments Using Prezzy Cards?

If your purchase value exceeds the balance remaining in the prezzy cards then what you can do is use the balance of prezzy cards and make the rest of the payment through card or cash.  Many prezzy card users don’t know about the usage of it, and that’s where it becomes 

How to check the unused value or balance on my prezzy card?

You can check the prezzy card balance by calling up at 0800 450 509, or by going to the official website of the prezzy card and signing to the account by entering the required details. 

What To Do If a Prezzy Card Gets Lost Or Stolen?

Idf the prezzy card that you are using has gotten lost or stolen then one thing which you can do is call at 0800 450 509, if it’s possible they can give you the replacement of the prezzy card that you possess. 

Can I Use Prezzy Card Overseas?

Yes, it’s been mentioned on the official website of the prezzy that these cards are authorized to be used at certain locations outside New Zealand also. You can use these cards while shopping, or doing transactions and so on doing other things. 

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So these are the ways through which you can get prezzy card activate and get things done in the right way. If you have recently got the prezzy card then one thing which you need to do is to get things done correctly about the activation process and then only one can move forward about its usability. Sometimes people doesn’t understand the exact process of ctivation since it might involve some complicated and lenghty process but it’s relatively easy to get prezzy card. If you have any doubts or questions regarding the same then leave a comment down below.