When using an external hard what you always anticipate is that the particular drive will show up on your mac. But sometimes due to many reasons, you won’t be able to see the external hard drive on your MacBook and there’s no need to worry about it. Because if you’re using Seagate hard drive and if Seagate external hard drive not showing up mac then we’ve some possible solutions for you.
Many times people get panicked when they don’t see their Seagate hard drive not showing up on mac and that’s completely normal for any MacBook user. Because when you buy a hard drive you always anticipate that it will work fine but sometimes due to some technical issues you won’t be able to see your Seagate drive on your macbook and following are the reasons/solutions for Seagate external hard drive not showing up mac and we think this will help you out.

Reasons/Solutions for Seagate external hard drive not showing up on your mac
1. One of the most essential things one shall do when an external hard drive is not showing up on their MacBook is to check whether the mac is enabled to show mounted devices on your desktop. So if your hard drive is not showing up the first thing which you shall do is to command MacBook to show mounted drives on your desktop and one can do that with these simple steps.
- First Go to the Finder and then Preferences
- Then in General and make sure that there is a tick beside External Drives.
2. Many times due to not proper USB cable attached with the external hard drive you won’t be able to see it on your mac. So if you’re a person who is using very old or faulted USB cable then you will have to buy a new USB cable or just try a different one. Because many people face this issue of Seagate external hard drive not showing up mac sierra and if you’ve got proper USB cable then check whether your drive is correctly plugged in or not. Because when you’re connecting a Seagate hard drive to your MacBook you will have to check whether it’s getting enough power to connect it or not and not getting enough power might also be the reason why your seagate external hard drive not showing up mac sierra.
3. If changing USB cable is not getting you anywhere then there might be some hardware issues regarding it and if possible try to go for a technician or try your Seagate hard drive on other mac to check whether it’s really your MacBook which has got some problem.
4. If your Seagate external hard drive not showing up mac then you can see whether it’s really got connected to your MacBook or not by checking the apple’s disk utility which will allow you to see your external hard drive. If you want to open disk utility then follow these two simple steps
- opening spotlight (shortcut- command+spacebar) and then type Disk utility and press enter
- Now check on the left side whether you’re seeing hard drive connected or not.
5. If you’re able to see the external hard drive on disk utility then you will be able to mount your Seagate hard drive. If you want to mount your hard drive then click on mount hard drive and if it’s already mounted then you will see the option unmounted and you can do that too. However, if you’re seeing your hard drive on disk utility but still facing the issue of an external hard drive not showing up mac then you can go with the three options available there for you to solve it.
6. One of the best ways to solve any problems or errors attached to your external hard drive is by getting it solved with the help of a first aid. You can detect the errors on your hard drive running first aid and if there are any errors relating to it found then you can immediately troubleshoot for it too.
7. There are other options also like erase and restore which will help you to delete or format your seagate hard disk or replace any other data with the current one.
Sometimes by using these methods, you will be able to detect and solve your queries relating to seagate external hard drive not showing up macbook sierra. However, even after trying these solutions your hard drive is not getting connected or shown on your MacBook then you will have to talk to the customer care or simply replace the hard drive to check whether the problem relies on it or not.
If there are more technical problems which you are facing with your hard drive then it’s better to connect with customer care and get some technical assistance regarding it. If you found this article helpful in solving your Seagate external hard drive not showing up mac 2018 helpful then do let us know that because it will helpful for us to update this post by mentioning some more common problems which every mac user faces.
So have a great day ahead.

Venkatesh Joshi is an enthusiastic writer with a keen interest in activation, business, and tech-related issues. With a passion for uncovering the latest trends and developments in these fields, he possesses a deep understanding of the intricacies surrounding them. Venkatesh’s writings demonstrate his ability to articulate complex concepts in a concise and engaging manner, making them accessible to a wide range of readers.